Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Birthday treats

Some food porn of some of the naughty treats I allowed myself this birthday week :x 

Bought myself a yummy Apple scroll 

Red velvet pancakes from my dearest Emily at architects and Heros 

Full day of eating with my bae
Panacotta with muselies and berries 

I regret nothing ! 

The most beautiful puffy croissant ever

Bread top :x

Pizza at varsity bar 


Gyoza :D 

And many more but these were the ones I managed to capture before I devoured it all :x 

Many heavy lifting sessions to follow after that 

Reached new PBs 
Squatting 80kg for 6 reps
And 60kg sumo deadlifts for 8 reps ~

Time to make some gainz 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Off season abs

Week 1 of reverse , up 0.7 
Week 2 of reverse , up 1.4kgs 

Definately slowly getting fluffier 
And also maybe because I've been having treats here and there, estimating macros and had a weekend of no tracking
The best way to deal with it I feel is to just use all the extra calories and carbs to fuel a massive workout! 

It's hard seeing yourself get fluffier and not being in the same condition as peak week . But I gotta remember this is the time for me to make gains and grow!! 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Today's breakfast

I'm just so obsessed with whole wheat low fat English muffins 
They keep me fuller than the gluten free or low carb breads ! 

On today's menu I had English muffins with smoked salmon, my usual omelette and of course some greens 

Beast legg seshhh

Days like this make me loveeee that im not on prep anymore

Swapped my fat burners out from my stack for some pre-workout!
and headed to the gym ready to get my Glute and Hammie workout in

Since I decided to take a day off tomorrow I had to shuffle my days around so I'm combining glute and hammie day today

Warm up
Micro band walks & squats with kick
(I feel this is super important to start of any glute training session because YOU NEED TO ACTIVATE YOUR GLUTES) its the only way to really target them

Started off with some
Sumo Deadlifts got up to 50kg for 8 reps
im not super strong with my deadlifts as compared to my squats but im working on it =)
still weighing in at 39kg I think 50kg deadlifts for reps are a good point to start!
Hopefully get the numbers even higher soon!

and then
Stiff leg deadlifts (using the v bar machine thing people normally use for back)
Lying down hamstring curl
Glute push downs super set with Dumb-bell stiff leg deadlifts
Glute kick back machine super set with Hip abductor machine
Seated hamstring curl 
Cable kickbacks 

3 sets of everything
10-15 reps

killlledddd my hamstrings but was still bursting with energy after
havent felt this way inawhile
I guess its a sign this reverse diet is doing me good =) 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

offseason diary #2

it is now 5 days post comp and 4 days into my reverse diet
pretty much havent taken a day off from the gym at all
come to think of it no days off since i did the INBA over 2 weeks ago =x

I'll probably take my first day off training tomorrow!
Will be going back to work at night so I shall rest up during the day and enjoy a rest day

feeling slight post comp struggles
because i'm not as lean anymore, and i didn't think i would care that much but it goes up and down
it is true our perception gets abit messed up after comp and im definately feeling it!

Just gotta set clear goals and eyes on the prize
its much harder to stick to a diet when you look in the mirror and you dont feel 100%
when I was all comp lean it was easy to stick to my diet because I look at myself and it gives me motivation to stay on track

I guess right now I do have heaps of offseason goals to achieve which is whats keeping me motivated to gym
As for my diet, i need clearer goals Im trying my best to stick to my reverse diets but have had a little nibble here and there no binge or cheats tho!

Mostly likely I wont be doing Season B next year
plan to save up money and build up more muscle
but some days I feel like maybe I want to because Season A next year is so far away and ive put in so much work this year maybe I should go back on prep

But i guess ill give myself another 2 weeks before I decide what steps to take next 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Offseason breakfast

Egg and egg whites with blueberries on a low carb bread and drizzled with calorie free maple syrup!! 

My calories are still low but I hope to be able to train my metabolism so I'll be having 2 pieces of toast instead of 1 and wayyyy more toppings to this meal in the near future!

For now I'm glad to be able to treat myself with these calorie free sweeteners since they are macro friendly :)

I cut out a lot of processed and artificial stuff during my prep so it's good to be able to have some now!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Off season diary #1

So I had half of Sunday and the whole of Monday off tracking macros
meant to take monday off from training too but I just couldn't help myself
went bright and early to smash out a big leg sesh with my boo

I was very very very badddd on the 1.5 days of no tracking
ate sooooo much food
I regret nothing!! Pizza, pasta, pita bread, korean BBQ, Ben and Jerrys, Froyo 

Safe to say I look pretty fluffy nowww
gained about 1.7kg in the day =x hopefully its mainly water

BUT started day 1 of my reverse diet yesterday
did my cardio + weight session
and hit my macros 100%
nutrient timing was abit off but other than that NAILED day 1 very proud
no cheats
just a tiny bit of no sugar added BBQ sauce on my barley wrap

Starting off my Day 2 with my fasted cardio
did a little bit extra than what I was supposed to because I just felt like it

feeling great so far with this extra bit of freedom
and the extra calories im able to have!
slowly but surely gonna build those calories up up up ~
can't wait to do the whole 1 cheat meal a week thing too

not feeling any "post comp blues" or "withdrawals" people always talk about yet
because I already have a plan and goals
I got heaps of work to done and tons to work towards!
so still feeling super motivated and determined

Season A complete ~

And Nabba/wff is done and dusted!
I've achieved what I wanted to for this comp even though I didn't place but I went up on stage with my best and owned it anyway :) 

Most of all got to be there to support my man who took home first place and I'm so very proud and happy for him 

We are lucky to be able to share this journey together and being there for him was what was most important to me 
Now it's time for me to move on to bigger things :) this season has been a stepping stone for me and I'm looking forward to working towards my next goals and dreams in the offseason and see what the future brings