Thursday, June 4, 2015

offseason diary #2

it is now 5 days post comp and 4 days into my reverse diet
pretty much havent taken a day off from the gym at all
come to think of it no days off since i did the INBA over 2 weeks ago =x

I'll probably take my first day off training tomorrow!
Will be going back to work at night so I shall rest up during the day and enjoy a rest day

feeling slight post comp struggles
because i'm not as lean anymore, and i didn't think i would care that much but it goes up and down
it is true our perception gets abit messed up after comp and im definately feeling it!

Just gotta set clear goals and eyes on the prize
its much harder to stick to a diet when you look in the mirror and you dont feel 100%
when I was all comp lean it was easy to stick to my diet because I look at myself and it gives me motivation to stay on track

I guess right now I do have heaps of offseason goals to achieve which is whats keeping me motivated to gym
As for my diet, i need clearer goals Im trying my best to stick to my reverse diets but have had a little nibble here and there no binge or cheats tho!

Mostly likely I wont be doing Season B next year
plan to save up money and build up more muscle
but some days I feel like maybe I want to because Season A next year is so far away and ive put in so much work this year maybe I should go back on prep

But i guess ill give myself another 2 weeks before I decide what steps to take next 

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