Thursday, August 13, 2015

PT in training

Long time no update ~ 
But I've been working on something new and exciting ! Getting my cert 3 & 4 in fitness! 

I love training and it would be amazing to help people along with their fitness journey! From experience and years of research I've done myself and speaking to others I have gained so much knowledge and now it's just about making it official on paper 

I'm done with all my cert 3 lectures and online mini tests so just working on my assignments and work experience hours now :) 

If you are interested in a custom training plan for you including tips and constant guidance drop me an email at 

Joined the mass nutrition family !

Monday, July 20, 2015

Current training split

Been trying to combine strength programs with my bodybuilding program to create sort of a hybrid program where I can get both strength and mass on the areas I want! 

So for legs atm I have 2 leg days 
1 full leg focusing on big movements and squats and lunges 
I try to go heavy on my full leg days, managed to hit 90kg squats for 5 reps last week!
But gonna take it easy for the next 2 weeks cause my joints are not too good so will be doing hypertrophy work and focusing on getting more reps in 

2nd leg day is hammie and glute focused ! 
Isolation, squeezes, mind muscle connection . And also I start off with sumo deadlifts for strength training 
Doing 62.5kg 5x5 sumo squats currently on the second week of the program 

1 back day 
I do jim stopanni's workout focusing on getting wider lats ~ 

2 shoulder days
1 super high volume hypertrophy with a lot of super sets 

2nd shoulder day starts with some strength work with 5x5 bench and overhead press followed by moderate volume hypertrophy 

1 strength focused day + arms
Where I'll do 2 strength lifts for 5x5 
Atm I'm working on bench and conventional deadlifts and then some arms hypertrophy 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Reverse diet week 7

I'm now 7 weeks into my reverse diet ! 
I feel like my body is finally starting to cope and balance out much better now and is dealing much better with all the food I consume 

Have still been increasing calories slowly nearly each week but also having much more treat meals and even days where I don't track but it doesn't set me back that far as long as I jump straight back onto my planned macros for the next day 

So much more flexible than before for sure but still aiming to get tracking 100% and being able to increase my calories to a crazy level and still maintain and in order to do that I know I need to be consistent with my macros , estimate less and have less treat meals unless I know the exact macros for it then o don't consider it a 'treat meal' as such :x 

My training is 110% in fact I think I've never trained this hard in my life, my offseason training has been way more intense than my comp prep training I feel. 
I plan things out, take note of the numbers I hit , push for more volume and intensity now and also push heavy and try to increase both my strength and size 

I think I've worn myself out hard the last 2 weeks so I took an unplanned rest day yesterday to rest up recover and be ready to hit the gym hard again today! 

I love training and I believe you should compete because you love to train, not only train because u want to compete. That is silly and it only means you will lose motivation post comp and fall off track. So when other competitors ask me how I stay motivated to go to the gym, I really don't feel like it's hard for me. Because I love it :) 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Add me on snap chat !

Off season diary 3

Sorry for the lack of updates ! 
I'm now 5 weeks into my reverse diet 
Up about 3kgs from my stage weight ~ 
But eating much more carbs than when I even began my prep which is gooood

Been training super hard lately 
Focusing more on volume and also included 1 strength focus day into my training 

I am so impatient with wanting to see results which is what keeps me motivated and determined to hit the gym everyday. But but but !! I have to remember to take days off so I have to purposely schedule in rest days to force myself to take a day off

I caught the flu yesterday so I took the day off and will be taking today off as well

Hopefully I recover by tomorrow because I need to get Hammies and glutes done !!

Been studying and researching a lot about how to better improve and refine my training to gain as much muscle as I can as fast as I can and put on more mass on my shoulders especially and also get my back wider and of course the booty forever 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Birthday treats

Some food porn of some of the naughty treats I allowed myself this birthday week :x 

Bought myself a yummy Apple scroll 

Red velvet pancakes from my dearest Emily at architects and Heros 

Full day of eating with my bae
Panacotta with muselies and berries 

I regret nothing ! 

The most beautiful puffy croissant ever

Bread top :x

Pizza at varsity bar 


Gyoza :D 

And many more but these were the ones I managed to capture before I devoured it all :x 

Many heavy lifting sessions to follow after that 

Reached new PBs 
Squatting 80kg for 6 reps
And 60kg sumo deadlifts for 8 reps ~

Time to make some gainz 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Off season abs

Week 1 of reverse , up 0.7 
Week 2 of reverse , up 1.4kgs 

Definately slowly getting fluffier 
And also maybe because I've been having treats here and there, estimating macros and had a weekend of no tracking
The best way to deal with it I feel is to just use all the extra calories and carbs to fuel a massive workout! 

It's hard seeing yourself get fluffier and not being in the same condition as peak week . But I gotta remember this is the time for me to make gains and grow!! 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Today's breakfast

I'm just so obsessed with whole wheat low fat English muffins 
They keep me fuller than the gluten free or low carb breads ! 

On today's menu I had English muffins with smoked salmon, my usual omelette and of course some greens 

Beast legg seshhh

Days like this make me loveeee that im not on prep anymore

Swapped my fat burners out from my stack for some pre-workout!
and headed to the gym ready to get my Glute and Hammie workout in

Since I decided to take a day off tomorrow I had to shuffle my days around so I'm combining glute and hammie day today

Warm up
Micro band walks & squats with kick
(I feel this is super important to start of any glute training session because YOU NEED TO ACTIVATE YOUR GLUTES) its the only way to really target them

Started off with some
Sumo Deadlifts got up to 50kg for 8 reps
im not super strong with my deadlifts as compared to my squats but im working on it =)
still weighing in at 39kg I think 50kg deadlifts for reps are a good point to start!
Hopefully get the numbers even higher soon!

and then
Stiff leg deadlifts (using the v bar machine thing people normally use for back)
Lying down hamstring curl
Glute push downs super set with Dumb-bell stiff leg deadlifts
Glute kick back machine super set with Hip abductor machine
Seated hamstring curl 
Cable kickbacks 

3 sets of everything
10-15 reps

killlledddd my hamstrings but was still bursting with energy after
havent felt this way inawhile
I guess its a sign this reverse diet is doing me good =) 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

offseason diary #2

it is now 5 days post comp and 4 days into my reverse diet
pretty much havent taken a day off from the gym at all
come to think of it no days off since i did the INBA over 2 weeks ago =x

I'll probably take my first day off training tomorrow!
Will be going back to work at night so I shall rest up during the day and enjoy a rest day

feeling slight post comp struggles
because i'm not as lean anymore, and i didn't think i would care that much but it goes up and down
it is true our perception gets abit messed up after comp and im definately feeling it!

Just gotta set clear goals and eyes on the prize
its much harder to stick to a diet when you look in the mirror and you dont feel 100%
when I was all comp lean it was easy to stick to my diet because I look at myself and it gives me motivation to stay on track

I guess right now I do have heaps of offseason goals to achieve which is whats keeping me motivated to gym
As for my diet, i need clearer goals Im trying my best to stick to my reverse diets but have had a little nibble here and there no binge or cheats tho!

Mostly likely I wont be doing Season B next year
plan to save up money and build up more muscle
but some days I feel like maybe I want to because Season A next year is so far away and ive put in so much work this year maybe I should go back on prep

But i guess ill give myself another 2 weeks before I decide what steps to take next 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Offseason breakfast

Egg and egg whites with blueberries on a low carb bread and drizzled with calorie free maple syrup!! 

My calories are still low but I hope to be able to train my metabolism so I'll be having 2 pieces of toast instead of 1 and wayyyy more toppings to this meal in the near future!

For now I'm glad to be able to treat myself with these calorie free sweeteners since they are macro friendly :)

I cut out a lot of processed and artificial stuff during my prep so it's good to be able to have some now!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Off season diary #1

So I had half of Sunday and the whole of Monday off tracking macros
meant to take monday off from training too but I just couldn't help myself
went bright and early to smash out a big leg sesh with my boo

I was very very very badddd on the 1.5 days of no tracking
ate sooooo much food
I regret nothing!! Pizza, pasta, pita bread, korean BBQ, Ben and Jerrys, Froyo 

Safe to say I look pretty fluffy nowww
gained about 1.7kg in the day =x hopefully its mainly water

BUT started day 1 of my reverse diet yesterday
did my cardio + weight session
and hit my macros 100%
nutrient timing was abit off but other than that NAILED day 1 very proud
no cheats
just a tiny bit of no sugar added BBQ sauce on my barley wrap

Starting off my Day 2 with my fasted cardio
did a little bit extra than what I was supposed to because I just felt like it

feeling great so far with this extra bit of freedom
and the extra calories im able to have!
slowly but surely gonna build those calories up up up ~
can't wait to do the whole 1 cheat meal a week thing too

not feeling any "post comp blues" or "withdrawals" people always talk about yet
because I already have a plan and goals
I got heaps of work to done and tons to work towards!
so still feeling super motivated and determined

Season A complete ~

And Nabba/wff is done and dusted!
I've achieved what I wanted to for this comp even though I didn't place but I went up on stage with my best and owned it anyway :) 

Most of all got to be there to support my man who took home first place and I'm so very proud and happy for him 

We are lucky to be able to share this journey together and being there for him was what was most important to me 
Now it's time for me to move on to bigger things :) this season has been a stepping stone for me and I'm looking forward to working towards my next goals and dreams in the offseason and see what the future brings 

Friday, May 29, 2015

1 day out from nabba/WFF

6am abs!
1 day out depletion done! Ready for my carbs today ~ 

Getting my first coat of tan too!
Can't wait to jump on stage do it all over again

Be there to support my boo for his division and then going to have a good feed after :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

First competition done !

Went into this knowing my body is very different from the typical girls this federation looks for,

But still did my best and brought my best package to the stage ! So happy with how I looked was hoping the judges would place me higher but the important thing is it's my first competition and I still took home 5th place and my first trophy ever !! 

One more coming up in just over a week still gonna bring my best package and hope this time these different judges will like it!

But more excited for off season , reverse diet and all the gains and carbs to come 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Last workout

Got carbs in early this morning so pumped and excited ready to smash my workout 

But gotta take it light and easy since I'm only 1 day out loving every moment of this last workout and last cardio sesh! 

Gonna get my tan on sooooon

Monday, May 11, 2015

4 days out booty

Feeling slightly on the small side since being depleted BUT I'm feeling great and super excited for the off season ~

Can't wait to pump my booty up with carbs and grow them even more

Saturday, May 9, 2015

6am cardio feels

Early morning fasted cardio all day erryday 

Starting to slowly feel like therapy I don't dread cardio now that I get it done in the morning instead of after work out 

Depletion mode

My super low carb breaky
Egg and egg white scramble with spinach and diced white potato 
Cooked in coconut oil n drizzled with sriracha 

Currently in depletion mode but feeling the insane drive and motivation 
Hunger kicks in from time to time 
But I'm more hungry to bring my best to the stage and do the very best I can 

Juggling uni and peak week has been the hardest especially with group assignments because they just don't understand what im doing and why I'm doing it. They assume all I have going in life is uni
When in fact I have so much more I need to focus on other than my assignments 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Less than 2 weeks out feels

Mixed feelings but feeling ready for sure 
Don't feel like I'm not where I want to be, many areas I would love to grow and improve on but I know all that will take time and will only be possible in the offseason !! 

Can't wait to reverse diet and get some off season gains going!! At this stage not locking in any season B comps yet but we will see how it goes 

I'm just excited to be able to slowly eat more and increase my calories and decrease my cardio 

Been to 1 inba and 1 nabba official group posing, feeling more confident with regards to the stage set up, rules and routine 

And also realize my body looks nothing like anyone else's and I know people have been saying maybe I'm too lean and maybe I'm not supposed to be in the bikini division. But I'm too small to be in the fitness either and I'm not gonna change divisions now 

I built this body based on how I feel a bikini competitor should look like. And what I feel looks good , I wanna look like I actually lift . 

Maybe the judges will love my look and my package , maybe they won't , at this point it's really up to them 

I just know I'm definitely bringing something different to the stage 

I feel like belly button down I'm a bikini girl for sure , small waist , round butt, thick legs

But belly button up I have a muscly back, visible top abs and no boobies LOL so more of a fitness model look I guess?

Still gonna bring everything I got and be the best I can be , look how I wanna look, if you got a problem with my abs come say it to their face :x 

Less than 2 weeks to go lets do ettt

Sunday, May 3, 2015

#cheatclean brownies

Made these babies only had 2 pieces for myself but gave the rest to the boyfriend to demolish for his cheat day :) 

I used
40g traditional oats
1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk 
125g liquid egg whites
22g Cocoa powder (you can use 1/2 a cup) 
2tbsp PB2
2tsp baking powder 
170g fat free Greek yougurt 
(Plain or vanilla your choice, I did plain for lower calories) 
2 tbsp of peanut butter into random spots of the mix for that extra peanut goodness 

You can add stevia or calorie free walden farms maple syrup for sweeteners with no added calories 

Or honey or maple syrup to taste just remember to add the calories 

I only used 1 serve of pure maple syrup as I'm on prep BUT 
If you are not on comp prep I recommend to have at least 3 serves of maple syrup or honey :) 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Protein pumpkin mug cake

It's coldddd and I just crave some comfort food that makes me feel nice and fuzzy on the inside 

So this wonderful treat is just the perfect food to end my tiring day 

Macros on pointe too 
C 10
F 5
P 21 

60g of cooked mashed pumpkin
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
46g liquid egg white
14g coconut flour
Master food all spice
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1oz unsweetened almond milk 

(Add sugar/ stevia to your liking) 
Mix put in a mug and microwave for 2mins!! And all done!

Top with maple syrup or calorie free syrup! 

I topped mine with natural peanut butter and more cinnamon 
Yummy perfection

Monday, April 27, 2015

S'mores inspired oatmeal

Oats with some cocoa flavored micro greens!!! So tons of vitamins and good stuff with an awesome chocolate taste! 

Put it on my oats everyday! 
Added some marshmellows bits and almond milk to get that s'mores feeling :) 

Tasted amazing 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

24 days out - self review

Trying to keep my mind off food atm and decided to do a little update/review about how I feel my physique is at atm

So lets start with my baby shoulders!
very happy with my shoulder progress, if anything it makes me the most happy
they are not as big as I want them to be yet
but some gainz were definitely made, they are much rounder too
looks amazing when they are actually pumped up but i still look pretty normal when they are not pumped and im not flexing
they are also pretty even which is because i train front, middle and especially rear delts equally hard and give all parts of the delts equal work and attention

Arms I admit i dont train them that often but im lucky that i have fairly lean arms and I dont hold much water there so im happy with that

Back, is super lean and pretty thick
needs to be much wider and is something ill continue to work on
unfortunately for the INBA i might need to cover my back muscles with my hair cause I might be too muscly for their liking =x which is fine I guess abit disappointed in that aspect but at least im learning which federation ill be better suited for in future.
Need to figure out a better way of training to increase the width instead of thickness
But yeah at the moment i feel like I have alot of muscle in my back, summer and my peachies think so too but im still happy with that!
Can always cover it with my hair if the judges dont like it =)

tummy and lower back!
top abs are there fairly visable
and very happy with my obliques
but lower tummy still holding fat and water, lower back still holding fat and water
and my bloat is driving me insane
I know im pretty lean already but my tummy still keeps sticking out hopefully it will be all nice and flat once my hormones and all are in check

very happy with them, my biggest strength and asset but I also work very hard for them
push to the limits and train them 3 times a week
can't wait to grow them in the off season to get even bigger and fill them with carbs yay

still a weak point but slowly improving
need to get leaner in my legs too in general

naturally big what can I say
I just have to be careful to not let them get too big
focus on leaning out the legs more

my posing and stage presence hopefully is on pointe!
will keep working on it, and hopefully my years on experience on the stage will show and pull through for me

unfortunately there isn't much individual stage time for INBA but hopefully will still be able to stand out and definitely get first call outs is what I am aiming for!

New gym shark leggings

Thick legs, small waist = impossible to find pants that fit me 

So I'm super in love with my new gym shark leggingssss! Just a tiny bit lose around the waist still but other than that it's perfect! I love wearing grey too 

Monday, April 20, 2015

We all have bad days

Haven't been feeling the greatest the past few days 
But! When this happens we need to get ourselves up and smash out a workout at the gym anyways , and then find some good lighting, pose and take a selfie :) 

Hopefully feel abit better after, and I guess it worked for me ~ 

Friday, April 17, 2015

New facebook page!

Decided today to start my own public facebook page
to post about all things fitness related!!

Please support me be liking my page

will be tons more updates and photos of the yummy food I make etc.
as well as comp prep updates too! xx

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Home made quesadillas

Gluten free corn tortilla wraps 
Chicken breast
Light coon cheese
Spring onions 
Red bell peppers 

Pop into a wrap toaster 
And all done ! 

(Photo taken before toasting) 

Less than a month to go

Gonna be down to 4 weeks out tomorrow,
and yesterday was the 16th so now its pretty much less than a month to go till show day!

Im excited yet on the verge of having a panic attack
not feeling the best these days energy levels are much lower
think hormones are making me feel abit more bloated as well, this pretty much happens to me like twice a month ive been realizing,

so I guess its that time again where for some reason i'm tired and bloated
dont feel the leanest and weight has even gone up a little bit

but im turning up the cardio another notch now
and ready to smash it at the gym everyday still '

i'm not hating the food Im eating
in fact it all taste soo good I always just want moreee
I love my salads my omelettes, my oats, my fillet steak and even my chicken breast as long as it is seasoned good and i like to top it with tobasco hot sauce

macro game pretty strong these pass days nailing my nutrient timing the best I can
Posing class tomorrow with summer yay can't wait

Today im gonna train glutes, abs and get some cardio doneee

rinse and grind
2 more days till high carb day lets do it

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


notice myself counting down till my next meal these days
time is passing so slowly hahaha

and i notice that on prep since im not able to eat alot of naughty foods
I enjoying LOOKING at them for some reason
or watching other people eat it on youtube (been watching alot of 10k calorie challenges)
and loveeee looking at people's yummy desserts donuts cakes and all on instagram
I even walk into lolly shops and admire all the Reece goodies I can't have
and my favorite is to walk into uni cafe's and admire the delicious food sitting there

as long as im not starving when I look at those food it somehow satisfies me hahaha
am I weird?

also subconsciously planning my off season and all the food i'm going to eat and hopefully the gains i'm going to make!

Watching alot of cooking videos too thinking about all these delicious offseason goodies I can make for me and my boyfie after our comps!

not long now just over 4 weeks to go!

Coach has been checking up on our myfitnesspal entries so better step up my game starting tomorrow hit all macros to the gram! yesss maam!

high carb day today so my diary's abit of a mess haha but starting tomorrow gonna be more strict with myself ! Im ready lets doooo thisssss

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Progress :)

Only 5 months apart in these 2 photos!
On the left was me a few weeks after watching my amazing boyfriend at the IFBB and I was pretty interested in competing just to see how I would go. 

5 months later on the photo on the right 
Is me right now only 5 weeks out from my first competition ever! 
Looking like I actually lift and being as lean and as light as I've ever been 

At the same time also making some good gains all whilst being on a defecit !

I am actually so excited for the offseason to reverse diet put on even more muscle whilst staying relatively lean and pump some carbs into my booty again :)

So excited to see what's installed for me and can't wait to see how I look again in 5 weeks time !

Diet is getting harder now but I will push through and give it my all

Not letting 1 day go to waste

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Today's glorious salad

Lots of Lettuce 
Red bell peppers 
100g fillet steak 

And I added some balsamic vinegar dressing to top it off ! Perfection 

A high carb day food diary

Yesterday was a glorious high carb day and I certainly enjoyed it to the fullest and used it to fuel my boss leg day! Should have put in a cardio session but I was tight on time unfortunately =(

Here is what I had yesterday on my high carb day !

Meal 1 
PROTEIN WAFFLES made with cellucor cinamon swirl protein
2 hard boiled egg whites

Pre workout meal 
Another protein waffle (1 serve of the pancake mix makes 2 waffles so I ate my second one pre workout)
Strawberry POP TART (yes i did)
and some Chicken breast 

Post workout meal
SUSHI (sakura plate)
Chicken breast
and SKINNY COW caramel ice cream cookie yum yum

Meal 2 
Heart smart beef mince burrito (home made)
with smart bbq sauce, cherry tomatoes and light cheese
and some sweet potato on the side (my favorite) 

Meal 3
Chicken breast
more sweet potato

Was very satisfied at the end of the day ~ 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Food Diary ( 40 days out )

So today Meal 1 which was breakfast, I had
1 egg, half cup egg whites (the usual hehe)
A slice of lifestyle chia and quinoa gluten free bread
with melted light and tasty cheese (yumm ive been craving melted cheese so bad lately)
+ cup of coffe with unsweetened vanilla almond milk

next was my pre workout meal
getting myself ready for my shoulder workout + HIIT that I have installed for today
I had 100g basmati rice
and 80g chicken breast

Post workout pretty much had the same
100g basmati rice
and 80g chicken breast
plus 1 piece of light laughing cow cheese (yes the cheese cravings are realll)

Meal 2
dinner timeee
Beef Fillet Steak
and my version of health brushetta which is
a slice of lifestyle chia quinoa bread
topped with sliced cherry tomatoes and olive oil (seasoned with pink sea salt, garlic powder and italian herbs)

Meal 3
which I will be eating in 2 hours time but have already planned out
is Natural Peanut Butter & 2 pieces of rice cakes !

Still eating heaps despite being in a deficit, but still getting hungry which means my metabolism is still going strong which is a goood signnnn

But im still feeling like im smashing my workouts at the gym and even smashing my HIIT sessions so I couldnt be happier with this prep

All thanks to my awesome beautiful coach Summer Bernard xoxo

Saturday, April 4, 2015

6 weeks out

Officially 6 weeks out omg 
Life has been hard and hectic lately 
Last week was not a good week for me, felt bloated and felt like I hit a plateau 

But gonna turn things up another level now and I've been feeling much better the past few days with my updated program ! 

I feel the most pressure when I look at other people and how good they look. 
But as summer said, we just need to focus on ourselves bring the best package of ourselves and make sure we are 100% and that's all we can do. And we should be proud of what we bring to the stage. 

We can't help who we are up against, that I know. But it's human nature to still always compare ourselves to others, cause at the end of the day when we enter a competition the aim is to beat everyone else. However I must say despite that I've gained so much from this experience and so it's all worth so much more then just those few minutes on stage when we are being compared to others. 

But I've realised something this week! When I'm training shoulders and I look at myself and how much I've grown my shoulders from nothing I feel like that is already winning to me :) 

Friday, April 3, 2015

High carb day cellucor protein waffles

Because waffles are just pancakes with abs hehehehe 

Only 2 ingredients in this delicious piece of heaven 

1 serve 'yes you can' gluten free buttermilk pancake mix 
1 scoop cellucor cinnamon protein powder 
Dust extra cinnamon into the mix if you like

Pop in the waffle maker and doneeee

Monday, March 30, 2015

Fit bit fun!

Kind of excited with my new fit bit ~ 
Did some HIIT yesterday and yes only for about 10 mins but I'm so amazed tht the fit bit actually knew that I did 10 mins 

And sometimes I question if HIIT is really working and what it is really good for, 

But this makes it so obvious yes it works 10 mins of HIIT and then an hour and 20 mins of free fat burning yay 

Gonna be tracking my training with my fit bit closely this last few weeks to make sure I'm putting in enough intensity and working hard through my workouts and HIIT sessions :)

7 weeks out video!

Please Like, Subscribe, Comment to let me know what you think Or what I should do differently for the next one etc this is just like a little trial or experiment before I decide if ill continue with videos or not and also I guess it will be nice for me to look back on it in future

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tomorrow I'll officially be 7 weeks out

I've been making a small video montage of my week leading up to the 7 week mark! No talking or whatever just little snippets of my life mainly foods and works outs~ 

Woke up extra early to smash a shoulder and glute session today then back home to study and then work at metros tonight omggg 

Scared I'm gonna be tired but really need the money as I just bought some extra supplements :x more dfine8, beauty strong and beauty recover 

So I shall work hard tonight and then tomorrow I gotta sit for 2 tests fml

Comp prep would be way more fun if I didn't have uni to worry about :( 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Healthy low fat, minimal carb French toast

So I was craving some french toast and decided to whip this up the other day ~ 

Lifestyle gluten free chia & quinoa bread 
Egg whites (1/2 cup) 
Cellucor cinnamon swirl protein 

Just mix the egg whites and stevia together , 
Dip bread into egg white mix and cook on a non stick pan 

For the drizzle I just mixed a little bit of cellucor protein with some water to make the protein paste and just drizzled it over 

Was delicious!! 
You can also top it with walden farms calorie free syrup but I'm trying to stay away from it since I'm getting much closer to comp 

Macros are 
Fat : 3.4g
Carbs : 18g
Protein 22.3g 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Over 7 weeks and I'm feeling excited but also super exhaustedddd

I'm so tired these days I think mainly from life and from uni rather then my prep tho 

But I'm actually excited for upper body day today! Didn't get a good one in last Saturday but I'm planning to make up for that today 

Feeling super motivated from my coachy and peach mama believing in me and encouraging me to persue further things after this prep which I am seriously considering .

But for now I just wanna do my best make her proud bring home trophies hopefully gold! I'm aiming big and aiming for the stars ~ at the end of the day there is 2 people I wanna make proud of me, is my boyfie and my coach! 

No matter what happens I'm still super proud and happy of myself and how far I've come and this experience with team peach especially. I can safely say I've enjoyed prepping and it's not the torture some other people say it is :) 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Just passed 8 week mark

Just passed 8 weeks and now on the over 7 weeks mark! 

Time is passing so fast and it's getting closer and closer! At this point I still feel excited for 90% and 10% nerves 

Went to my first posing session yesterday with my lovely coach and met 4 other peachettes ! They were all nice and lovely will be a fun experience leading up to comp as well as on comp day itself having a close team where we can support each other :) I think being in a team will definately make this less daunting when the day comes 

I'm a full head shorter than them so I probably won't be up against them
If they split everyone in height classes 

First official posing class done! Feeling good about it, gonna keep practicing and going to as many classes as I can! 

Feeling pretty exhausted right now had a full on week and even more fun on day yesterday jugging 2 uni classes and posing class inbetween and then a birthday dinner and late night gym sesh I'm just ready to pass out right now :( 

Rinse and grind , today is hammie day, gotta get my chores done, buy groceries, hit the gym as well as hit the books to study 

Wish me luck xoxo

Monday, March 16, 2015

Today's meal of the day

Today's delicious meal#2 
Chicken breast and mushroom topped with fat free salsa + 
Gluten free chia and quinoa bread with cottage cheese 

All this for less than 200 calories 

Officially registered!

So ive officially registered for my INBA show,
8weeks to go ~ less than 2 months now
need to really step up my game and make sure i'm right on track!

My awesome make up sponsor will be coming over tomorrow to do a trial make up run for me
so excited!!

Felt abit fat and bloated yesterday but woke up today feeling much better
hope today will be a better day

Saturday, March 14, 2015

officially 9 weeks!

Just passed the 9 weeks mark finally!
Actually 8 weeks and 5 days out now, 
and just went pass the 42kg mark to 41.9kg on Thursday

Never been this light before, but I still don't feel like I'm super lean yet, probably cause as I'm typing this I just had a big high carb day yesterday with my boo. 

Even had some real ice cream (but 97% fat free of course) in a cone yum yum I was like a lil girl. And also had nandos paella which was the bomb 

Back to 3 low carb days today, I'm abit worried to weight myself hope I'm not holding too much water. 

My coachey just placed 5th amongst the
Top pros in the world that I look up to and I couldn't be happier for her!
So proud to have her as my coach and it's gonna push me even more to do better

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

9 weeks 3 days out

Upper body day today ~ 
Did quite a few big back exercises with my boot
Trying to grow dem wings 
Wide back = tiny waist! 
Then did a few big shoulder presses 
Hence the photo of my trying to capture my pump ! Grow shoulders growwww

Today's food log : 
Meal 1 
Had my usual 1 egg , half cup egg whites, smoked salmon and blueberries 

Pre workout meal 
Been really loving sweet potato lately 
So I had some sweet potato, basmati rice and good ol chicken breast 

Post workout 
Protein shake + basmati rice 

Meal 4
Fillet steak with salad and sweet potato topped with sesame dressing


Meal 5
Chicken breast and rice cakes topped with natural peanut butter

High carb day + heavy leg day tomorrow can't wait!